Dart Fixes

This week i had worked on the Darts and fixing a bug that canceled the darts all together if you used the stun shot long enough while the darts were active. To fix this problem i had to look into how the darts were getting their time variables. The game has a custom game delta time that gets manipulated when things such as the stun shot are used. 

To get around this problem i was looking into custom yield returns for the coroutines. After hours of looking into this and trying out different implementations Chance reached out and suggested i try to put everything into a while loop and yield return null until i had what i needed. This had fixed the issue with the time but things were still getting weird if the attack ran more than once in a row. 

To combat that issue i wrapped the attack into an if statement to let the tinkerer know if the current attack was active or not. If the attack was active already nothing would happen. If it was not active. darts would spawn and the attack would continue as normal. 

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